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  • College Preparation Carnival | InAmerica Education

    2022 Canival 2021 Canival 2022 College Preparation Carnival InAmerica International 在美教育 Earthwatch Institute: Expeditions, Research & Fellowship 地球观察研究所科研夏校 Event recordings: Summer Discovery 夏季探索 Heartland Film Festival: Internship & Volunteering 心田国际电影节实习志愿项目 InAmarica CPC program Introduction InAmerica Ivy League Admissions & Students Round-Table Panel High School Public Debate Program 国际高中公开辩论赛 Upenn Pre-College Summer Program 宾夕法尼亚大学暑期预科项目 International History Olympiad 国际历史奥林匹克锦标赛 International Academic Competitions (International Geography Championships) 国际地理冠军赛 New YorkFilm Academy Summer Program 纽约电影学院夏校项目 Keru Summer Volunteer 课儒全球志愿者项目 National Student Leadership Conference 美国国家学生领袖联合会暑期提升项目 Asdan 阿思丹 Business Competitions UK EPQ Program

  • A warm new year's meal | InAmerica Education

    InAmerica International Since 2010 Press & News BACK A Warm New Year's Meal The InAmerica team gathers with international students, families, and school teachers to celebrate the Chinese New Year together! 01 / Purpose of the Event and Preparation ​ The InAmerica team understands that many families and students cannot return to their home countries during the Chinese New Year and cannot reunite with their families and friends for a lively and warm Chinese New Year. So this year, for the first time since the pandemic, the InAmerica team invited local school teachers, international students, and families from around New York to gather for a fun "ChuXi" New Year's meal together! Together we celebrated Chinese New Year's Eve and welcomed the Lunar Year. In addition, the Spring Festival was a great way to get into the Chinese New Year spirit. Early Saturday morning local time in New York, InAmerica's colleagues and staff arrived at New York's famous local seafood restaurant, Fish Village. The preparations for the event began in earnest. We prepared traditional gifts for all the guests, including Chinese New Year lucky bags, and the Year of the Rabbit red packets. 02 / Gourmet Seafood ​ Thanks to the restaurant for their support in preparing a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner for us with six tables full of food. Including Emperor crab three ways, crispy chicken, coconut milk chicken soup, beef rib, and 15 signature dishes. 03 / Traditional Performance Halfway through the New Year's Eve dinner, a lion dance performance was staged! Everyone cheered, applauded, and grabbed their cameras to record this wonderful moment. This is also a traditional Chinese performance, and the non-Chinese teachers and children were even more curious and happy to see this great performance. 04/ InAmerica’s New Year Greeting During this past year, all of us at InAmerica worked diligently with our students and parents during the busy application season and the background enrichment preparation period. By doing so, we have achieved results that our students and families can be proud of! Furthermore, we have witnessed the progress of our students and the achievement of their application goals! At the same time, we have also seen InAmerica's growth and received more trust, support, and friendship from our families and students. We are grateful for this recognition and trust, allowing each of us at InAmerica to stay true to our educational mission. We are able to assist, enhance, and positively change the educational path for our students. All of us at InAmerica wish our students and parents a new year of hope and prosperity!

  • K12 Consulting Services | Pre K Admissions Counseling | InAmerica Education

    InAmerica International Since 2010 Loyalty Program “ At InAmerica, we place you, our valued client, at the center of everything we do. ” We understand that education is not just about personal and societal progress; it's about your personal growth, your community, and your aspirations. We believe that learning is the key to unlocking your potential, driving progress in society, and expanding the boundaries of human knowledge. It's the foundation that allows you to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a world that's constantly evolving. WHY Client loyalty is at the heart of our commitment to you. It's not only about maintaining a consistent revenue stream; it's a testament to the enduring and strong relationship we've built together. Many of you have not just been clients, but advocates, referring others and contributing to our growth. Your feedback has been instrumental in helping us continually enhance our services and products. For us, fostering and maintaining your loyalty is not just about financial gains; it's about building trust, solidifying our reputation, and nurturing a thriving, sustainable business. Joining our loyalty program is a strategic choice because it's designed with your best interests in mind. From exclusive discounts and personalized offers to rewards that save you money, it's our way of showing our appreciation for your loyalty. Beyond the financial benefits, our loyalty program fosters a sense of community and a deep connection with our brand, creating a mutually rewarding relationship where both you and InAmerica reap the rewards. By becoming a part of our loyalty program, you'll enjoy a host of advantages that make your association with us more enjoyable, cost-effective, and fulfilling. HOW We measure client loyalty through a range of methods to ensure your experience with us remains exceptional: Referral Tracking: The number of new clients we acquire through your referrals reflects the level of trust and loyalty you have in our services. Repeat Business: The frequency and consistency of your engagements with us speak to your satisfaction and trust in InAmerica. Webinar and Camp Attendance: Webinar and Camp Attendance: Webinars offer you an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, insights, and skills from experts across various fields. They provide a convenient and accessible platform for your continuous learning and personal and professional development. By participating in our webinars, you stay informed about industry trends, expand your network, and engage in interactive discussions, ultimately enhancing your expertise and staying competitive in today's fast-paced world. At InAmerica, we've crafted our own loyalty program designed to celebrate and reward you, our clients, who have placed their trust in us time and time again. We're dedicated to creating a comprehensive list of discounts and rewards tailored to your needs. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support and unwavering trust in our team. We eagerly anticipate building lasting relationships with all of you.

  • The InAmerica story | InAmerica Education

    InAmerica International Since 2010 Press & News BACK InAmerica Founder and Managing Director Lilly Yu’s 10th Anniversary Gala Speech The InAmerica story began more than ten years ago in a college dorm room. An undergraduate from Zhejiang began her path of entrepreneurship by starting a small test prep company. At that time she was 20 years old. It was a winding path that took her first to the Graduate School of Education at University of Pennsylvania, then to the City of New York. InAmerica 的故事始于十年前的一间大学宿舍,一位来自浙江的本科生通过创办一个小型的考试辅导机构开始了她的创业之路。当时她只有20岁。这是一条曲折却收获颇丰的道路,带着她走进了宾夕法尼亚大学的教育研究生学院,然后来到了纽约。 ​ What has changed in the past ten years? 过去十年改变了什么,发生了什么? ​ What has changed is that InAmerica is no longer that one-person shop looking for their first clientele. InAmerica education now has dozens of team members and hundreds of contractors around the world, and has assisted thousands of families, with every part of a child’s education - from pre-k (our youngest student being just 1.5 years old) all the way through to graduate school, alongside offering a variety of enrichment programs including research opportunities, internships, personal projects, tutoring programs, summer camps, and more. InAmerica 发生了巨变,不再是一个单打独斗的个人公司,已成长为拥有数十名团队成员和遍布全球上百家合作方的全球化教育咨询公司,已累计协助数以千计的家庭达成升学目标。我们助力孩子的每一个成长阶段,包括从幼儿的学前教育(最小的学生只有1岁半)一直到研究生阶段,提供了科学规划方案的同时提供丰富的背景提升方案,包括科研机会、实习、个人项目、辅导课程、夏令营等。 But what hasn’t changed in the past ten years is the dedication to help each child, and every family, find their best school fit and right education path. 但在过去的十年中InAmerica始终没有改变初心:致力于帮助每个孩子和每个家庭找到最适合的学校和教育路径。 What hasn’t changed is how rewarding it feels not only seeing the joy of a family receiving their dream offer, but also the transformation years after a child enrolls at the school, and more, the formation of their characters and personalities. 我们不仅共同感受到了家庭收到他们梦寐以求的录取通知书时的喜悦, 更重要的是见证了孩子在进入梦校后的成长,以及个性和性格的成功塑造,这份成功教育规划所带来的成就感也从未改变。 And of course, what hasn’t changed is the optimism that every challenge is an opportunity for positive changes, and growth. 当然,我们保持乐观的态度也从未动摇,每一个挑战都是一个积极变化和成长的机会。 I want to thank our InAmerica team members and wonderful partners, whether you joined us for years or just recently. Thank you for empowering InAmerica’s mission to achieve the best educational outcome for every child, which can be a stressful time for many families. From a 6am meeting, to finishing up an essay at 11pm. Everyone of you contributes to the growth. 我要感谢我们的 InAmerica 优秀的团队成员和各位合作伙伴,无论您是多年前还是最近加入我们。感谢你们认可并坚守InAmerica的教育使命,陪伴许多家庭共度这充满压力的时期,为每个孩子实现最佳的教育结果而努力。无论是早上6点的会议还是到晚上11点的论文修改,各位同仁为 InAmerica 的成长都做出了竭诚的贡献。 And I want to of course thank our clients, without whom none of this would be possible. We cannot express in words how much we appreciate your support and your trust. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your children’s educational journey. 同时,我要感谢 InAmerica 的所有客户,没有你们,就没有InAmerica今天所取得的一切成就。真的无法用言语来表达对你们所给予的支持和信任的感激之情。感谢你们让 InAmerica 成为孩子教育旅程的一部分。 From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank everyone for being part of the InAmerica family. Thank you for being there as we lead the charge to a brighter future in admissions preparations and educational consulting. 从我的内心深处,我要感谢成为 InAmerica 大家庭一员的每个人。是你们长久以来的认可与支持,使 InAmerica 的升学规划和教育咨询可以更顺利的引导同学们走向更光明的未来。 This is just the first chapter for InAmerica, and we are just getting started. 首个十年,只是 InAmerica 的第一章,我们才刚刚开始,未来还有更长远的路要走。 First, we are not content with resting on our laurels - we will constantly seek to provide an even higher level of services on a larger scale. 首先,我们不仅仅只安于现状,我们将不断寻求在更大范围上提供更高水平的服务。 Second, we will continue adding new members to our team, those who believe in our mission and culture of excellence, customer centricity, and diversity. 其次,InAmerica 将持续增加新的血液,欢迎那些愿意践行和认可 InAmerica 卓越文化和使命、以客户为中心,并拥有多元化背景的有志之士的加入。 Lastly, InAmerica will become a thought leader and a trusted authority in the field of education consulting so that we can truly espouse our values and beliefs that every child can shine and have unlimited potential. 最后,InAmerica 将成为教育咨询领域的思想领袖和值得信赖的权威公司,因此我们可以更广泛的传播 InAmerica 的教育价值观和教育信念,即每个孩子都可以闪耀光芒,并拥有无限潜力。 We will be the solid bedrock during this unstable time, and become the foundation for a brighter future for not just InAmerica students, but the larger community and society as a whole. 在这个瞬息万变、充满挑战的时代,我们不仅是 InAmerica 学生求学成才之路上最坚实的基石,同时目标成为更广泛社区和整个社会未来教育的基石。 Together we will write the next chapters of the InAmerica story. May the next ten years, and the many ten years to come be just as rewarding as or more regarding than our first. 我相信,我们将共同谱写 InAmerica 的新一篇章,携手踏上充满希望的未来,开创更多积极的可能性。在未来的十年甚至许多个十年,我们也将如第一个十年一样,收获颇丰,并相信未来一定能获得更多成就。 让我们共同期待下一个十年、愿我们初心不变 愿我们归来仍是少年。

  • 2021 College Preparation Carnival | InAmerica Education

    2022 Canival 2021 Canival 2021 College Preparation Carnival Sotheby’s Institute of Art: Summer Pre-college Institute 苏富比艺术学院夏校 New YorkFilm Academy Summer Program 纽约电影学院夏校 Event recordings: Heartland Film Festival: Internship & Volunteering 心田国际电影节实习志愿项目 Penn Curiosity AI Robotics and Smart Materials Summer Camp 宾夕法尼亚大学人工智能夏令营 International Brain Bee 国际脑神经科学大赛 High School Public Debate Program 国际高中公开辩论赛 Earthwatch Institute: Expeditions, Research & Fellowship 地球观察研究所科研夏校 National Student Leadership Conference 美国国家学生领袖联合会暑期提升项目 The School of The New York Times: Summer Institute 纽约时报夏校 Math Kangaroo USA 国际袋鼠数学竞赛 International Geography Championships 国际地理冠军赛 International History Olympiad 国际历史奥林匹克锦标赛 American Go Association: World Youth Goe Championship 全美围棋锦标赛 KeruKnowledge Program 国际社会实践项目 USA International Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad 美国天文学与天体物理学奥林匹克竞赛 National Ocean Sciences Bowl 国际海洋科学碗大赛

  • Contact | InAmerica Education

    Contact Us! 150 East 52nd Street, FL10, New York, NY 10022 T 646-984-4684 Recruitment Send Thanks for your submission Find Us On Google Map 150 East 52nd Street, FL10, New York, NY 10022

  • Partners | InAmerica Education

    InAmerica International Since 2010 Partners Managing Partner Lilly Yu Lilly's journey began in the picturesque town of Haining, nestled near Shanghai, China. She was raised in a quaint village, where her father had tirelessly managed his manufacturing business for decades. Throughout her childhood and youth, Lilly cherished the moments spent with her grandparents, parents, and her younger brother. When she embarked on her college education, Lilly matriculated at Capital Normal University in Beijing City, a renowned institution for future educators. It was here that Lilly excelled academically, earning both a national scholarship and the prestigious Best Teaching Award in a school-wide competition. These achievements ignited a profound passion within her for both education and entrepreneurship, blending together in a harmonious synergy. In 2011, this unique combination of her aspirations led Lilly to establish her first tutoring and consulting office, marking the beginning of her remarkable journey in the field of education. Dedicating her career to education, Lilly started offering services in international admissions, test preparation, and private school applications during her second year of college. Inspired by her students who successfully went overseas for school, she decided to pursue further education at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania. InAmerica Education was born in the cradle of the University of Pennsylvania in 2013. Under Lilly's visionary leadership, InAmerica Education has evolved into a trusted hub for students seeking comprehensive guidance to navigate the intricate landscape of U.S. education. Today, InAmerica Education boasts a team of over 30 full-time employees, serving more than 300 students annually across its K-12, College, and Enrichment departments combined. Maintaining an impressive growth rate of 40%-50% each year, InAmerica is poised to reach even greater heights with its aspirational team and strong drive under Lilly's leadership. Lilly Yu has brought together a wealth of resources, expert advice, and invaluable insights to demystify the U.S. education system. As we delve deeper into Lilly Yu's remarkable journey and her contributions to the realm of international education, it becomes clear that she is not only a founder but she and her team also become a guiding light for students on their quest for knowledge and excellence. Under her leadership, InAmerica Education continues to inspire, inform, and empower the next generation of global scholars. Outside of work, Lilly is a devoted mother and adores her fluffy animals, a Coton de Tulear and an orange tabby. She is also passionate about running and flower arrangement. Junior Partner Director of K-12 Boarding Cindy Gong Cindy Gong is a passionate advocate for the life-changing impact of education. Her unwavering belief in the power of quality education stems from her own transformative experiences, which opened doors to opportunities she once deemed unreachable. Driven by this belief, Cindy is dedicated to guiding students toward discovering their true potential through education. Her career in educational consulting began unexpectedly but has been deeply rewarding. Starting with the China office of the Illinois Institute of Technology in Beijing, Cindy transitioned into consulting for private K-12 schools in the U.S. With over 15 years of experience in the educational consulting industry, she has assisted thousands of families and cultivated close relationships with hundreds of private schools. The trust she and her team have earned from clients is invaluable, reflecting the commitment to guiding students on their educational journey. Educational consulting is not merely a profession for Cindy; it's a vocation that brings immense fulfillment. Witnessing students receiving offers from their dream schools after months of dedicated teamwork is among the most rewarding moments. These instances, brimming with emotion, mark the culmination of heartfelt efforts and render each application season truly unforgettable. Looking ahead, Cindy is eager to expand her team's reach, aiming to assist even more students and parents in realizing their dreams and embarking on remarkable educational journeys. Beyond her professional aspirations, Cindy is dedicated to living a fulfilling, joyful, and healthy life, aspiring to radiate this positivity to those around her. ​

  • Advisory Board | InAmerica Education

    InAmerica International Since 2010 Advisory Board The primary objective of this advisory board is to bring together a diverse group of well known experts, thought leaders, and well-connected authorities in the field of international education and educational consultancy. Their collective wisdom, experiences, and insights will play a vital role in guiding our strategic decisions, refining our services, and ensuring that we remain at the forefr ont of the industry. The Advisory Board of Consultations will serve as a valuable resource in the following ways Expert Guidance: Members will provide expert advice and recommendations on the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in educational consulting. Quality Assurance: Their input will help us maintain the highest standards of excellence in our services, ensuring that we consistently deliver outstanding support to our students and clients. Diverse Perspectives: The board will offer diverse perspectives, allowing us to better understand the unique needs of our global clientele and tailor our offerings accordingly. Strategic Direction: Members will assist in shaping our strategic vision, enabling us to adapt and thrive in a dynamic and evolving industry. This exciting initiative is a significant step in our journey to elevate InAmerica Education to new heights. Together, we will make a lasting impact in the field of international education consulting. Audrius Barzdukas Former Head of School of Poly Prep View More Audrius Barzdukas, a dynamic education leader, is the former Head of School of Poly Prep, having previously served as the Associate Head of School at Harvard-Westlake. With a transformative approach, Audrius has achieved record enrollment, diversity milestones, and outstanding outcomes. His earlier roles include positions at the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee and USA Swimming. Dedicated to shaping a global and diverse learning community, Audrius is a recognized force in educational leadership. Samuel Lundquist Former Vice Dean & Chief Advancement Officer at Wharton View More Samuel Lundquist, a transformative leader in higher education administration, currently serves as Senior Advisor for International Relations at the University of Southern California and the Marshall School of Business. He concluded his 30-year career at the University of Pennsylvania as Vice Dean & Chief Advancement Officer at the Wharton School. Other key roles at Penn and Wharton included Assistant Vice President for Development and Campaign Initiatives, Chief of Staff & Managing Director, and Director of MBA Admissions. Sam also worked at Bucknell University as Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations and as Associate Director of Admissions. He was the Director of MBA Admissions at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business.

  • 2021 International K-12 School Fair | InAmerica Education

    2023 School Fair 2022 School Fair 2021 School Fair 2020 School Fair 2018 School Fair 2021 InAmerica International 3rd Annual K-12 Private School Fair ​ Suffield Academy 苏菲尔德学院 Milton Academy 米尔顿中学 Athol Murray College of Notre Dame 加拿大圣母学院 Event recordings: Baylor School 贝勒中学 Eaglebrook School 鹰溪中学 Woodberry Forest School 乌德贝里森林学校 Westover School 威斯多佛学校 Peddie School 佩迪中学 Lawrence Academy 劳伦斯中学 Horace Mann School 霍瑞斯曼学校 Miss Hall's School 霍尔女子中学 The Stony Brook School 石溪中学 George School 乔治中学 Blair Academy 布莱尔学院 The Hun School of Princeton 普林斯顿胡恩中学 Rye Country Day School 赖尔乡村走读学校 Thacher Schools 撒切尔学校 Pomfret School 庞弗雷特中学 Canterbury School 坎特伯雷中学 Avenues: The World School 爱文纽约世界学校 Indian Springs School 印第安泉中学 The Webb Schools 韦伯中学 St. Anselm’s Abbey School 圣安塞姆修道院学校 Poly Prep Country Day School 波利预科走读学校

  • Summer Program | InAmerica Education

    2021-2023 Summer Program Search

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