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InAmerica   International   Since   2010

InAmerica K-12 Application Consulting


Our History

InAmerica Education was founded in 2010 in Philadelphia, PA, the center of Ivy League colleges, and later developed its headquarter office in New York City. The company was founded by alumni of the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School of Business. We specialize in supporting our clients to achieve admission to the most selective K-12 private and boarding schools in the United States as well as colleges and universities in the US and overseas. 


Our Concept

For more than ten years, we have successfully consulted with hundreds of students and their families from around the world to achieve impressive admissions tailored to their specific needs. Adhering to the Chinese and Western education concepts of "heuristic breakthrough" and "holistic educational practices" we make students step out of their comfort zones, re-establish self-awareness and build a mentality of elite learning. 


Our Client

Finely tuned professional perspectives, efficient communication and consultation, and outstanding student quality have enabled us to establish long-standing and solid relationships of trust and cooperation with many top American private schools and famous universities. Among the over 4,000 K-12 private schools in the United States, admissions for our clients rank in the top 100 top schools. Most of all, we are proud that each of the top 50 universities in America has students whom we have worked with.

Overall Achievements




Google Review Client Satisfaction Rate

TOP 3 Choices Admissions Rate

TOP 50 College Admissions Three Years Executively

One of the first educational consultancies that specializes in assisting students from Pre-K application all  theway through till post college.

Successfully sent students to more than 10,000 American independent schools and colleges.

A trustworthy educational consultancy that has provided services to over 2000 loyal families.


Her mom sent us a nice message about how she was thankful that we could provide travel support for Angela while she was attending a summer program on the other side of the country (WA - NY)

Angela Chan.

非常感谢Inamerica公司老师团队的辅导,帮助和付出,作为家长亲身经历和见证了申请季孩子的成长和成熟,能申请到多个国家最顶尖大学的成果,无疑也见证和证明了Inamerica在美国教育行业顶尖的实力和水平,老师们藤校毕业的教育背景,专业的精神和对孩子的爱心让我们家长放心的把孩子交给了您!最终申请到了超出期望的最顶尖大学!衷心祝老师们在疫情期间保重身体,祝Inamerica Edu大展宏图,帮助更多的孩子门圆梦奔藤!帮助更多的家庭改变命运!

Mon of Lucy C.

We were extremely impressed that she showed such initiative! She saw an opportunity to better herself academically and took it. We were excited to have her apply what we’ve talked about in sessions and create something unique for her!

Mary Lin.


Our Offices

New York




150 East 52nd Street, FL12, New York, NY 10022

Contact By:

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM EST  

+1 646-984-4684 (USA)

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